10 Popular Hanging Succulents

Care Guide TIPS

Wanting to add some lush, green growth to your indoor living spaces? 

Hanging succulent varieties are growing more and more popular for their beautiful trailing foliage. Whether you want long green vines spilling from a bookshelf, hanging from a patio basket, or trailing down a trellis, these Insta-worthy succulents are worth a second look!

Let’s go through 10 of the most popular hanging succulents:

String of Pearls

Senecio rowleyanus (also curio rowleyanus) is a popular hanging succulent known as String of Pearls. It is native to the hot, dry climate of East Africa and grows as a terrestrial plant in its natural habitat. The cascading succulent features long, vine-like stems with spherical, pea-sized leaves, making it look like a green pearl necklace. In the spring or summer months, the hanging succulent blooms white flowers with a unique cinnamon scent. The String of Pearls succulent is also called String of Beads, String of Peas, and Rosary Vines. The trailing vines and plump, grape-like leaves look beautiful in planters, hanging baskets, vertical gardens, and as groundcover. 

String of Dolphins 

The String of Dolphins hanging succulent will infuse any living space or patio with sunny beach vibes! The String of Dolphins is a cross between the String of Pearls succulent (Senecio rowleyanus) and the candle plant (Senecio articulatus). The String of Dolphins succulent looks exactly what it sounds like—the trailing green stems feature clusters of adorable dolphin-shaped leaves. People typically grow the String of Dolphins succulent for the iconic leaves that look like a pod of leaping dolphins! Usually, this hanging succulent is grown as a houseplant because it is not frost tolerant. However, it can be grown outdoors if the region has warm weather year round. The String of Dolphins succulent looks beautiful in hanging baskets, trellises, and vertical gardens. 

String of Bananas

Closely related to the String of Pearls succulent, the String of Bananas trailing succulent is native to South Africa and characterized by its glossy banana-shaped leaves that grow on long, hanging stems. Some people find the String of Bananas succulent to be easier to care for than the String of Pearls succulent because its tendrils are thicker and less prone to break. In addition, the String of Bananas grows faster and thicker than the String of Pearls. The String of Bananas succulent is commonly grown indoors as a houseplant because it is not frost tolerant. If grown outdoors, this succulent needs warm weather year round. Like other hanging succulents, the String of Bananas plant looks beautiful in hanging baskets, growing upward in trellises, and in vertical gardens. 

String of Turtles 

Native to Brazilian rainforests, the String of Turtles succulent (Peperomia prostrata) is a relatively small trailing succulent with charming water-storing leaves that look like turtle shells. String of Turtles succulents grow slowly and reach maturity in about 3 to 5 years time. The String of Turtles succulent used to be a rare find, but now that hanging succulents are growing in popularity, it is easier for succulent-lovers to get their hands on them. String of Turtles is best grown indoors as a houseplant, but it can be grown outdoors in warm, humid conditions. Since they are small and compact compared to other trailing succulents, it is often a favorite to grow in terrariums, fairy gardens, and hanging baskets. 

String of Hearts

This succulent has stolen the heart of many succulent-lovers! The String of Hearts succulent, or Ceropegia woodii, is a trailing, evergreen succulent native South Africa and know for its distinctive heart-shapes leaves. This sprawling, fast-growing succulent can also be referred to as the Rosary Vine or Sweetheart Vine. The purplish vines on this hanging succulent are slender and can grow up to 12 feet long. The heart-shaped leaves are marbled gray-green on the upper side and green to purple on the underside. It is commonly grown indoors as a houseplant in hanging baskets and in rock gardens or walls in warmer climates. 

Donkey’s Tail Sedum

Native to Mexico and Honduras, these popular perennial evergreens usually hang in baskets due to their long, hanging stems that can reach up to 60 centimeters. The plump, blue-green leaves are rounded and fleshy, and they tightly cluster on the long stems like densely packed grapes. This popular variety is usually hung on patios in hanging baskets, so people can admire the attractive hanging stems spilling from the pot. The long braided branches also look terrific on walls and balconies. The Donkey or Burro’s Tail even blooms terminal red-pink flowers in the summer time. Though the leaves fall easily, each leaf can be used to propagate an entirely new plant! This low-maintenance succulent can tolerate full sun and most soils as long as there is good drainage.

String of Fishhooks 

The String of Fishhooks (Senecio radicans), or Blue Pickle Vine, is an incredibly fast growing and easy-to-care-for trailing succulent. The long, slender blue-gray vines can grow longer than 4 feet and are known to even grow all the way down to the floor from a hanging basket, earning it the nickname “Lady Godiva.” Clustered on the vines is the blue-gray foliage curved upward like fishing hooks. The plump “hooks” are designed to retain and store water, and as a result, it is very drought-tolerant. Overall, the String of Fishhooks is a surprisingly robust, hardy succulent that isn’t too particular about its growing conditions. Whether it’s spilling from a pot on a shelf or hanging from a basket on your patio, it will flourish!

String of Rubies

The String of Rubies (Othonaa capensis), also known as Ruby Necklace or String of Pickles, is a trailing succulent characterized by its thin, purplish-red stem with narrow green leaves that look like bean sprouts. The String of Rubies succulent will grow about 2 inches before starting to trail downwards. Depending on its levels of stress, the foliage can turn from green to purple or burgundy. The stems can also vacillate between ruby red to purple. In addition, the String of Rubies can bloom small yellow flowers majority of the year when properly cared for. The String of Rubies plant does well as a indoor houseplant in pots or baskets and do well in warm outdoor conditions.

Dancing Bones

The Dancing Bones plant (Hatiora salicorniodies), also known as the Drunkard’s Dream or Spice Cactus, is a flowering cactus native to Brazil. The bushy rainforest cactus has slender, segmented stems that can bloom yellow-orange flowers on the bottle-shaped stems in the spring months. The deep green, contorted foliage resembles sea coral as the different segments and joints branch out. Gardeners and plant-enthusiasts without year-round warm climate can enjoy the Dancing Bones cactus as a houseplant.

Trailing Jade 

Trailing Jade (Kleinia petrea or Senecio jacobsenii), also known as Weeping Jade or Vining Jade, is a hanging succulent with fleshy spoon-shaped leaves. It is native to Tanzania and Kenya where it creeps along as groundcover. The foliage is bright green and larger than the classic Jade succulent, though the two succulents are unrelated. The tightly clustered spoon-shaped leaves overlap like shingles on the thick vine. The dense Trailing Jade can cascade up to 4 feet long from hanging pots. Moderate stress from bright sun or cool temperatures can turn the green leaves a vibrant purple color. Trailing Jade prefers warm climates, so it is best to keep it indoors during cool weather. 

Do you have a favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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